Monday, June 8, 2009


This last weekend we had our stake conference. We were so excited about it! Elder Bednar (of the quorum of the twelve) was coming to teach, and I got even more excited about it after Adam had a spiritual feasting with him Saturday at the Priesthood Leadership Meeting. We woke up really early on Sunday to get there and have a good seat, we got there really early and got great seats. I was very excited but very nervous, because all the people with kids were "invited" to go to the relief society room and watch the conference from there. I always watch conference from TV, and of course learn a lot from it , but this time I really wanted to be seeing the apostle and feeling his influence. I was so afraid that in the middle of the meeting Carter would get uneasy and I would have to leave. Right before the meeting started I said I prayer and I specificly asked Heavenly Father to help Carter to be "reverent" during the meeting so we all could enjoy it. Carter is almost 18 months now, and everybody with kids knows how difficult it is for an 18 month-old be quiet for a long period of time. fifteen minutes before it started I got inside of the chapel and walked to the very front seat with Carter (Adam was busy ushering). You know those moments you feel everybody is looking at you? I thought everybody was looking at us and thinking that I really should leave to the other room, but I sat there anyways. When the music prelude started Carter sat down straight, on my lap, and crossed his arms (like when we are going to pray), he was listening to the music quietly, not a word! Just sitting there with his arms folded. The meeting started and he still didn't move, he just listened to the beginning of the meeting quietly, very reverent, until he fell asleep in my arms, with his arms folded. He slept throughout the whole thing. Adam joined us and we had a great conference. I am so gratefull for prayers . I know that even the more trivial subjects are listened and answered. I love our son! He is the joy of our hearts! (here is a picture of Carter being "reverent").


Kimbo said...

Yay! Way to go Carter. What a great example of how the Lord answers all of our prayers.
p.s. Carter looks like he's grown a ton just since yall moved by the way. Hope Florida is going well!

Ondriawfd said...

That's awesome Fabi! Sounds like you guys had a great conference.

Janalyn said...

That's so sweet. I love Carter! And you have such faith Fabi.

De Ette said...

I think Carter has a Mom with a great deal of faith. I know you were blessed, Heavenly Father is so kind. From the account of the message Elder Bednar gave in conference, it was wonderful!! Thanks for sharing such blessings.

Princess said...

what an amazing story! thanks for sharing and that carter is adorable!

Heath said...

Great story Fabi. We are so blessed to know that our Father in Heaven does indeed answer prayers.

When we were in Denver Elder Bednar came to our Stake Conference. It was so neat to be counseled by him. It is always incredible to be in the same room with these amazing men.

Unknown said...

How awesome is that! He is a very special little boy! Dont you love it when Heavenly Father answers prayers in such great ways!