Saturday, July 26, 2008

Fabiane's new look.

It has been a while since a posted something here, I have to apologize, but I'm back, have a lot of exciting things to tell, but just wanted to show my "new look", I have a brazilian friend that is a hairdresser, and she's done my hair almost for free, just because I told her what Adam was doing( when he was at AFS) and that I wanted to have a new look for when he came home. Here it is...


Ondriawfd said...

BEAUTIFUL! I bet Adam was truly surprized.

V said...

Fabiane, what is your email address? I want to invite you to my blog. Velecia:) P.S. Your hair looks really cute. I like your new look.

Adam said...

Hi Velecia, meu email here is my email address, thanks!! you are so nice!!fabi.

Anonymous said...

Holy Cow, You finally got extensions!!! I love them, makes me want them so bad. Gorgeous!!

De Ette said...

Wow Fabi, You look great. What fun!!! Wish I could do something that cool. Nice look!!

Chelsea said...

So cute! I love the long hair, you look great!

Janalyn said...

Wow, beautiful Fabi! I was just telling Maya about hair extensions for some weird reason. I'll have to show her your pictures!

Ondriawfd said...

you look beautiful! Alexandria

Kimbo said...

Love the hair too!!! What was his reaction when he saw it. We sure are glad yall are up here with us. It's been fun getting to know your family better. Here's my blog. Mike's link is on there too.